Welcome to issue #9, November 28 2016
last week there were not much offical news and announcements but there were few articles about Cloud generally and were GPC has it's place
Welcome Qwiklabs to Google Cloud - we should look forward for new learning resources regarding GCP
Articles, Tutorials
9 new ways that Google Cloud Machine Learning can help businesses
What is Google Cloud Deployment Manager and how to use it
Real-time data visualization and machine learning for London traffic analysis - check out links at the bottom to read in more detail implementation
Infrastructure as Code in Google Cloud - example of how to manage GCP resources via Terraform
Google cloud consulting service a two-way street
Cloud Battle Gets More Intelligent
Why Kubernetes may be a bigger threat to Amazon than Google's cloud
Videos, Slides
GCP podstast episode 53 - this time about Ruby on GCP
Java on Google Cloud Platform - how to use on App, Compute, Container Engine