In this issue no special news but still there are interesting articles.
Articles, Tutorials
App Engine Compute Engine Google Kubernetes EngineChoosing the right compute option in GCP: a decision tree - Using decision tree to choose right compute product on Google Cloud Platform
Virtual Private CloudReimagining virtual private clouds - Some aspects of Virtual Private Clouds (VPN) on Google Cloud Platform
SREMaking the most of an SRE service takeover - CRE life lessons - In Part 2 of this blog post we explained what an SRE team would want to learn about a service angling for SRE support, and what kind of improvements they want to see in the service before considering it for take-over. And in Part 1, we looked at why an SRE team would or wouldn’t choose to onboard a new application. Now, let’s look at what happens once the SREs agree to take on the pager.
Cloud BigtableHow we moved our Historical Stats from MySQL to Bigtable with zero downtime
Cloud SpannerGoogle's Cloud Spanner: how does it stack up?
BigQueryCounting uniques faster in BigQuery with HyperLogLog++
Cloud DataflowAfter Lambda: Exactly-once processing in Cloud Dataflow, Part 3 (sources and sinks)
Google Cloud PlatformA First Look at Google Cloud Platform
Compute Engine GPU TensorFlowJupyter + Tensorflow + Nvidia GPU + Docker + Google Compute Engine
Google Cloud Load Balancer Setup Tweaking and Observations
Cloud BigtableYou probably shouldn’t use DynamoDB - ... but Bigtable
Google Cloud PlatformYou have $700 GCP Credit … Now What?
Cloud ML TensorFlowHow to do text classification with CNNs, TensorFlow and word embedding
NetworkingTools to profile networking performance
Slides, Videos, Audio
Automating crowdsourced video creation with Google Cloud Platform and Machine Learning APIs
Getting Started Quickly with Machine Learning on Google Cloud Platform - Hotdog or No Hotdog?