Welcome to issue #226 January 25th, 2021

Articles, Tutorials

Infrastructure, Networking, Security, Kubernetes

Anthos Compute Engine Official Blog

Go green: Sustainable disaster recovery using Google Cloud - Easily lower your energy consumption by using Google Cloud for your disaster recovery strategy. Here’s a look at how it works.

Cloud Operations DevOps Official Blog SRE

Take the first step toward SRE with Cloud Operations Sandbox - Spin up the Cloud Operations Sandbox to see how Google’s logging, monitoring, tracing, profiling and debugging can kickstart your SRE practice.

IAM Official Blog Security

Enforcing least privilege by bulk-applying IAM recommendations - Learn how to identify IAM roles with unnecessary permissions in your Google Cloud organization—and rightsize them automatically.

Official Blog Security

New whitepaper: Designing and deploying a data security strategy with Google Cloud - Our new whitepaper helps you start a data security program in a cloud-native way and adjust your existing data security program when you start utilizing cloud computing.

Anthos Official Blog

Hands-on with Anthos on bare metal - Deploying Anthos on Bare Metal in home lab.

GCP Experience Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Tuning application on GKE — Drupal with MySQL - Improving the performance of a system deployed on GCP.

Cloud Operations Monitoring SRE Stackdriver

Operation Suite GCP - Monitoring Logging and Error Reporting - An overview of Operation Suite in GCP: Monitoring , Logging, Error Reporting.

Google Kubernetes Engine Terraform

Terraform : Condition with custom modules - Using condition in Terraform module on example with GKE.


Customizing GKE nodes labeling - See how to use Kubernetes labels on GKE cluster nodes for labeling GCE instances that host these nodes.

Docker Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes NodeJS

Simple Todo List NodeJS Web Application CI/CD Pipeline with GCP - The project builds a Kubernetes cluster on a GCP using GKE to run a simple todo list web application written in NodeJS.

Cloud Load Balancing Security

Google's GCLB doesn't comply with RFCs - Why Google doesn’t validate some TLS certificates in GCP.

App Development, Serverless, Databases, DevOps

Official Blog

Build your own workout app in 5 steps—without coding - Conquer New Year’s resolutions by using Google Cloud’s AppSheet to build a customizable fitness tracking app— without writing any code.

Cloud Build Serverless

Cloud Build is everywhere - An overview of Cloud Build and use cases.

Cloud Logging Cloud Monitoring Stackdriver

Request Annotation with Cloud Audit Logging and Monitoring on GCP - Snippets demonstrating a simple way to embed/associate audit logged metadata to GCP API calls.

Cloud Pub/Sub Java

How To Subscribe and Send PubSub Messages In Spring Boot App - Integrating Pub/Sub into Java Spring boot application.

Cloud Spanner GCP Experience

Lock Statistics: Diagnose performance issues in Cloud Spanner - Latency spike caused by lock conflict.

Compute Engine Security Windows

Connecting Securely to Google Cloud VM Instance With SSH Keys - How to configure WinSCP to connect to Compute Engine instance.

AWS Billing Serverless

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) vs. Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the Hobbyist - A look at the free tiers on these platforms and how they compare.

Big Data, Analytics, ML&AI

Cloud Composer Cloud Dataflow Tutorial

Cloud Composer launching Dataflow pipelines - A step by step tutorial which walks you through setting a Cloud Composer solution that will read a comma-separated values text file and insert each of the rows contained within into a BigQuery table.


BigQuery Fixed-Width Comparison - Parsing and comparing fixed-width text files in BigQuery.

Beginner BigQuery Tutorial

Explore Arrays and Structs for Better Performance in Google BigQuery - Explaining usage of arrays and structures in BigQuery.

Beginner BigQuery Data Science Public Datasets

How to Work with Nested Data in BigQuery - Example of querying nested columns in BigQuery on Open Street Map dataset.

BigQuery Billing

BigQuery cost optimization - Tips to reduce BigQuery costs.


GCP Certification

Passing the Google Cloud professional developer exam - A comprehensive guide for the Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam.

GCP Certification

Ace the Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam! - Google’s Associate Cloud Engineer certification exam provides a broad overview of core Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services and how to….

GCP Certification

Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer Exam: Impression and Advice - Preparing and taking Google Cloud Professional Machine Learning Engineer certification exam.

Slides, Videos, Audio

Kubernetes Podcast - #134 CNCF and the Linux Foundation, with Chris Aniszcyzk.

Google Cloud Community Days India day 1

Google Cloud Community Days India day 2

Between the Brackets: Google Cloud AI in Digital Journalism - Kalev Leetaru, founder of the GDELT Project chats about how they use Google Cloud's AI APIs and analytic tools (like BigQuery) to catalog and understand the world in realtime!



Anthos - Anthos 1.5.3 is now available.

BI Engine - BigQuery BI Engine is now available in the Iowa (us-central1) region.

BigQuery - BigQuery is now available in the Iowa (us-central1) region.

Cloud Composer - If you run DAGs using Pandas and BigQuery in Composer version 1.14.0 and Airflow version 1.10.14, you must update the pyarrow PyPI package to version 1.0.0 or higher and apache-beam to version 2.27.0 or higher. Note: This version release is still in progress. The max-pods-per-node parameter configures the maximum number of pods per node in the GKE cluster. You can now specify maintenance windows for your environments. The maximum number of pods per node in the GKE cluster changes from 100 to 32.

Compute Engine - NVIDIA® T4 GPUs are now available in the following additional regions and zones: Jurong West, Singapore, APAC: asia-southeast1-a For more information about GPU availability on Compute Engine, see GPU regions and zones availability.

Data Fusion - Cloud Data Fusion 6.3.0 is now available. In-place upgrades are now supported for minor and patch versions. You can configure the default system compute profile in the Developer edition starting in Cloud Data Fusion version 6.3.0.

Dialogflow - Dialogflow CX system entities can now be extended.

GKE on Prem - Anthos GKE on-prem 1.5.3-gke.0 is now available. Fixes: Fixed CVE-2020-15157 and CVE-2020-15257 in containerd.

IAM - You can now troubleshoot conditional role bindings by troubleshooting directly from audit log entries.

Cloud Logging - The Logs Explorer now provides a higher degree of contrast that improves readability.

Cloud Run - Cloud Run now supports WebSockets, HTTP/2 and gRPC streaming.

Cloud SQL Postgres - Database auditing in Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL is generally available, through the open-source pgAudit extension.

Cloud Text-to-Speech - New language: Text-to-Speech now supports Romanian (ro-RO). New voice: Text-to-Speech now offers 2 new Bengali (bn-IN) WaveNet voices.

VPC Service Controls - General availability for the following integration: AI Platform Prediction. Preview support for the following integration: Connectivity Tests.

AI Platform Prediction - The VPC Service Controls integration with AI Platform Prediction is now generally available.

Anthos GKE deployed on-prem - Anthos GKE on-prem 1.5.3-gke.0 is now available. Fixes: Fixed CVE-2020-15157 and CVE-2020-15257 in containerd.

Dialogflow Enterprise - Dialogflow CX system entities can now be extended.

Service Mesh - 1.7.x. 1.7.6-asm.1 is now available.

AI Platform Training - Training with a custom service account is now generally available. Support for VPC Network Peering is now generally available.

Service Directory - Service Directory is now available in GA.


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]