C2 M2 N2 is not a new robot in Star Wars, but new machine types on Compute Engine.
Compute Engine Official BlogExpanding virtual machine types to drive performance and efficiency - Google Compute Engine now offers new N2 general-purpose machine types and expanded availability of C2 compute- and M2 memory-optimized VMs
Billing Official BlogShining a light on your costs: New billing features from Google Cloud - Cloud cost management gets easier with new billing features from Google Cloud, including improved visibility, flexibility, and data export.
Articles, Tutorials
Infrastructure, Networking, Security, Kubernetes
DevOps Storage TerraformHow To Process Time Series Data On GCP - Introducing a set of open source modules for the TICK stack (Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor) on GCP.
gRPC KubernetesHow to deploy a gRPC Service on Google Kubernetes Engine (w/ TLS Encryption Support) - This tutorial will guide you through the whole process of deploying your gRPC project on Google Cloud.
DevOps Docker KubernetesRun a personal Cloud with Traefik, Let’s encrypt and Zookeeper - Kubernetes ingress with Traefik.
Kubernetes TutorialSetting up Cellery on GCP - A tutorial on how to set up Cellery runtime on GCP.
Knative KubernetesScale down to zero with Cellery - Cellery is an application orchestration runtime for Kubernetes which supports organizing and managing the application deployment via code.
App Development, Serverless, Databases, DevOps
Compute Engine Official Blog SAPBest practices for SAP app server autoscaling on Google Cloud - Learn best practices for scaling an SAP app server on Google Cloud.
StorageOracle database on Google Cloud Platform -What do you need to know? - A brief overview of the state of running Oracle DB on GCP.
Cloud SQL NodeJSGoogle Cloud SQL for MySQL – Connection Security, High Availability and Failover - Improving security, availability and fault tolerance on Cloud SQL.
Cloud Firestore Firebase Javascript NodeJSFirestorm: An ORM for Firestore - Firestorm is an Firestore ORM for TypeScript.
API Go gRPC SecuritygRPC Authentication with Google OpenID Connect tokens - The article explains how to get ID Tokens for HTTP clients using google auth libraries and applying them to gRPC clients.
.NET App Engine Cloud SQLDeploy an ASP.NET Core App with EF Core and PostgreSQL to Google Cloud - Deploying an ASP.NET Core web application with EF Core and PostgreSQL to App Engine and Cloud SQL on Google Cloud Platform.
Monitoring StackdriverUnderstand requests latency with Stackdriver Trace - Learn about traces and spans and how to use them to debug bottlenecks in your app using OpenCensus and Stackdriver.
Big Data, Analytics, ML&AI
Big Data BigQueryTips and Tricks to Seamlessly Migrate BigQuery Dataset Across Regions - Description of cross regional BigQuery data migration.
Big Data BigQueryA Journey into BigQuery Fuzzy Matching — 2 of [1, ∞) — More Soundex and Levenshtein Distance - Doing fuzzy matching in BigQuery on first and last names.
Big Data BigQueryFinding top programming language with BigQuery - Analyzing Github public dataset with BigQuery's to get most popular programming languages based on number of repositories.
BigQuery Data Science Data StudioDon’t Double Park in Brooklyn - Analyzing New York's open data about state vehicle registration using BigQuery and Data Studio.
Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow DataflowBuilding a data pipeline with Apache Beam and Elasticsearch on GCP. - Three-part series about data pipeline using Beam and ElasticSearch on GCP. This article describes installing Elastic Search on GCP.
Apache Beam JavaGoogle Dataflow Pipeline for Incremental Data Load from Oracle DB to GCS - Using Beam and Dataflow to export data from Oracle DB.
Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow Machine LearningApache Beam + Scikit learn - Using Scikit in Beam pipeline.
Integrate Kafka with Google Cloud/Pub Sub - Exchanging messages between Kafka and Pub/Sub.
Cloud Spanner Data AnalyticsHow to connect Tableau to Google Cloud Spanner - The article describes how to connect Tableau with Cloud Spanner.
AI Platform NotebooksShare Your Notebooks With One-Click - The article describes how to share AI Platform notebook
AI Data Science Machine LearningHow to Upgrade Colab with More Compute - Learn how to use Google Cloud Platform’s Deep Learning VMs to power up your Colab environment, on this episode of AI Adventures
AI Cloud MLCustom model deployment on Google A.I. Platform Serving - End to end ML pipeline on AI Platform.
GCP Experience Kubernetes Machine Learning Official BlogItaú Unibanco: How we built a CI/CD Pipeline for machine learning with online training in Kubeflow - Itaú Unibanco shares how it built a digital customer service tool that uses natural language processing, built with machine learning, to understand customer questions and respond in real time.
Data Analytics GCP Experience Official BlogGlideFinder: How we built a platform on Google Cloud that can monitor wildfires - Dmitry Kryuk, founder and CTO of GlideFinder, shares how they built a platform that can locate wildfires, alert subscribers, and provide analytics that can help prevent or contain wildfires in a timely manner.
BillingHow to become a Cloud cost-control guru on GCP - Cloud computing costs are difficult to grasp. Most of us have just given up on trying to understand clearly where all the cost figures on…
GCP CertificationHow to pass the Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer certification - A guide on how to pass the Google Professional Cloud Security Engineer certification with a study guide included.
GCP ExperienceBasecamp’s cofounder explains why it ditched Google Cloud for Amazon this summer - Basecamp's experience with GCP.
Slides, Videos, Audio
GCP Podcast - #190 ML and AI with Sherol Chen
Kubernetes Podcast - #66 kubectl Plugins and krew, with Ahmet Alp Balkan and Luk Burchard
Cloud Data Loss Prevention - Added additional infoType detector: MEDICAL_TERM.
Google Cloud Composer - New versions of Cloud Composer images: composer-1.7.3-airflow-1.9.0, composer-1.7.3-airflow-1.10.1, and composer-1.7.3-airflow-1.10.2. This release contains only internal reliability improvements.
Cloud Billing - The Billing Account Overview page in the GCP Console was redesigned to provide you with an at-a-glance summary of your charges to date, estimated end-of-month charges, and any credit balances.
Cloud Vision API - If you write your applications in Java with the Spring Framework, we now provide a guide to help you add Spring Cloud Vision API to your application.