CI Google Kubernetes EngineIntroducing the Jenkins GKE Plugin—deploy software to your Kubernetes clusters - Jenkins Google Kubernetes Engine Plugin provides a build step that streamlines deploying workloads to GKE clusters across GCP projects.
Cloud DataprocIntroducing advanced security options for Cloud Dataproc, now generally available - With Kerberos and Hadoop secure mode, you can migrate your existing Hadoop security controls directly into the cloud without having to make changes to your security policies and procedures.
Articles, Tutorials
Kubernetes Official BlogTo run or not to run a database on Kubernetes: What to consider - Some tips and tricks when you want to run a database on Kubernetes.
Beginner Docker Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes TutorialHow to Deploy to a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud - Step by step Kubernetes cluster set up and deployment.
Google Kubernetes Engine IAM SecurityThe ultimate Security Guide to RBAC on Google Kubernetes Engine - Implementing Role Based Access Control on GKE.
App Engine Java Serverless50 Shades Of Serverless In Java! (Part 3) - Example of using App Engine for the serverless deployment of Java web application.
App Engine Cloud Run Compute EngineSimple Container Deploys on Google Cloud Platform - Deploying container on various GCP products.
Knative Kubernetes ServerlessKnative Serving 0.7 - Changes related to Knative Serving in the latest release.
Cloud Firestore Cloud Functions IoTBuild a weather station with Google Cloud IoT, Cloud Firestore, Mongoose OS & Android Jetpack - Building an IoT weather station using GCP products.
Data Analytics Official BlogTips and tricks to get your Cloud Dataflow pipelines into production - Doing stream and batch processing with Cloud Dataflow depends on good data pipelines. Here are some tips to build and manage those pipelines.
Cloud Source RepositoriesNiFi & NiFi Registry on the Google Cloud Platform with Cloud Source Repositories - Quickly and easily deploying an unsecured instance of NiFi and an unsecured instance of the NiFi Registry which uses the Cloud Source Repositories service as git backend for the flow persistence provider.
Big Data Data Analytics Data Catalog Data ScienceGoogle Cloud Data Catalog hands-on guide: templates & tags with Python - This quickstart guide brings a practitioner approach to Data Catalog, covering Templates & Tags management using the Python client library.
BigQuery Data ScienceNew in BigQuery: Persistent UDFs - Using new functionality of saving User Defined Functions in BigQuery.
BigQueryPersistent UDFs + BQ GIS = ♥ - Using BigQuery Persistent UDFs related to GIS analysis.
BigQuery Data Science PythonBigQuery and Public Datasets. Overview for Data Analysts - In this article we’ll briefly explore what is BigQuery and how a data analyst can access and use it through various interfaces with…
BigQueryImpact of dataset locations on BigQuery query execution performance - Analysis of the impact when storying BigQuery data in regional and multi-regional dataset.
BigQuery Data ScienceAn open source Python package for moving HelpScout data into Google BigQuery - This article is written for business analysts, data scientists and engineers that need to integrate Help Scout data into their Google BigQuery pipeline, and have hands-on experience dealing with Python, APIs and SQL databases.
BigQuery Machine Learning PythonHow to do hyperparameter tuning of a BigQuery ML model - Bayesian Optimization using Cloud AI Platform.
Machine Learning PythonUsing Data from a Data Pipeline in BigQuery - An example of using BigQuery ML.
Machine Learning PythonColab synergy with MLflow: how to monitor progress and store models. - A guide on how to setup MLflow on Google Cloud.
Machine Learning Python TensorFlowCodeless ML with TensorFlow - Building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline without writing any ML code.
StackdriverStackdriver Resiliency and Proxies - This blog will walk you through, step-by-step, setting up a simple test using an nginx proxy, prove you are using the proxy, and demonstrate the Stackdriver Python client library to be resilient with proxies (and network) coming and going.
Big Data BigQueryBigQuery for Big Data and AI - A brief intro to start working with BigQuery.
Slides, Videos, Audio
GCP Podcast - #184 Informatica with Bill Creekbaum
Kubernetes Podcast - #60 Ubuntu, with Mark Shuttleworth