Welcome to issue #137 May 13th, 2019

Besides Cloud TPUs being now publicly available, you can be inspired with interesting AI/ML related articles.  



Official Blog TPU

Google’s scalable supercomputers for machine learning, Cloud TPU Pods, are now publicly available in beta - Cloud TPU Pods are now available in beta, helping you train models, even very large ones, faster and at lower cost on Google Cloud.

Cloud DNS Networking Official Blog

Google Cloud networking in depth: What’s new with Cloud DNS - Cloud DNS private zones, peering, and logging and auditing enhance security and manageability of your private GCP DNS environment.

Business Official Blog SAP

Innovating for SAP customers with Google Cloud - News related to SAP and GCP.

Business Official Blog

Deepening the Google Cloud and Red Hat collaboration with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Certification - Google Compute Engine is certified for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL 8)

Articles, Tutorials

DevOps Official Blog Terraform

Deploying a production-grade Helm release on GKE with Terraform - Gruntwork has an automated process for deploying workloads to GKE with Helm and HashiCorp Terraform.

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes

Completely Private GKE Clusters with No Internet Connectivity - The article explains the process of setting up GKE cluster isolated from internet access.

DevOps Terraform

Open-Sourcing Production-Grade Modules for GCP - Terraform modules to deploy basic infrastructure on GCP.

Compute Engine Official Blog

Tips and best practices for moving your VMs to Compute Engine - Migrating your VMs to cloud takes some planning. Here are some tips and best practices when you’re planning a cloud migration to Compute Engine.

API Official Blog

API design: Why you should use links, not keys, to represent relationships in APIs - When designing APIs, using web links rather than exposing database keys has several advantages.

Cloud Functions Kubernetes Serverless

3 best features of Google Cloud Run - 3 features that make Cloud Run the standout choice for serverless compute.

API Cloud Run Docker NodeJS Serverless

Build and deploy serverless dockerized API with Cloud Run - Build and deploy dockerized NodeJs API with Google Cloud Run.

CI Cloud Build NodeJS

How we built a GitHub App to level up our CI pipeline - Using Github and Cloud Build for CI pipeline.

Cloud Build Cloud Functions Cloud KMS Firebase

Firebase Cloud Functions Continous Deploying with Cloud Build - Deploying Firebase Cloud Functions to multiple environments via Cloud Build.

Cloud Firestore Dialogflow

DialogFlow fulfillment —dynamic responses from Google Firestore - How to read information from a database and use it to dynamically generate responses for DialogFlow fulfillment.

Apache Beam Cloud Dataflow Data Science Python

Let’s Build a Streaming Data Pipeline - Creating Apache Beam / DataFlow pipeline to parse web server logs.

Cloud Data Fusion

Utilizing Google Cloud Data Fusion to support Data Engineering at ML6 - Example of Google Cloud Data Fusion pipeline to process JSON data.

Cloud Dataprep Official Blog

Improving data quality for machine learning and analytics with Cloud Dataprep - Learn how Cloud Dataprep can help you prepare even a messy data set for training a machine learning model, after three simple cleaning steps.

AI Machine Learning TensorFlow

Interpreting bag of words models with SHAP - Building a ML model to predict Stack Overflow question tags.

Cloud Vision API Machine Learning

Building a Product Set for Google Cloud Vision Product Search — ML Product Search (Part 2) - Let’s set up a product set in Google Cloud Vision Product Search to make use of machine learning to detect our products in images!

Cloud AutoML Machine Learning

Google Cloud AutoML: Towards Build and Deploy ML Models at Massively Increased Speed and Scale - Leverage Google Cloud AutoML to train high-quality models for prediction problems

Cloud AutoML Machine Learning Official Blog

No deep learning experience needed: build a text classification model with Google Cloud AutoML Natural Language - Learn how to build a custom text classifier with AutoML Natural Language, trained on the Newsgroups data set, and with an interactive Colab example.

Cloud AutoML Machine Learning

Google Cloud AutoML Vision for Medical Image Classification - Using AutoML to create a model which detects pneumonia based on chest X-ray images.

Data Science GCP Certification

Passing the (new) Google Professional Data Engineer exam within 7 weeks - Experience of preparing and taking Data Engineer certification.

GCP Certification

Notes from my Google Cloud Associate Cloud Engineer — Section 2 - Notes & topic for preparation of Associate Cloud Engineer certification.

GCP Experience Machine Learning Official Blog

Sunny spells: How SunPower puts solar on your roof with AI Platform - Learn how SunPower uses AI Platform to tell users how and where they should install solar panels, with just a street address.

Slides, Videos, Audio

GCP Podcast - #176 Human-Centered AI with Di Dang

Kubernetes Podcast - #52 AutoTrader UK, with Russell Warman and Karl Stoney

Google I/O 2019 - Youtube playlist of GCP videos from Google I/O 2019


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Zdenko Hrček
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Prague, Czech Republic
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