Welcome to issue #110 November 5th, 2018

In this issue: new Healthcare API, Firebase news, Intel Optane DC persistent memory servers and interesting articles regarding various products on Google Cloud Platform.



Compute Engine Official Blog

Available first on Google Cloud: Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory - Alpha availability of virtual machines with 7TB of total memory utilizing Intel Optane DC persistent memory.


What’s new at Firebase Summit 2018 - News introduced during Firebase Summit.

Cloud Healthcare Official Blog

Getting to know the Google Cloud Healthcare API: Part 1 - Brief overview of the Cloud Healthcare API and the innovative use cases it enables.

App Engine NodeJS Official Blog

Node.js 10 available for App Engine, in lockstep with Long Term Support - Beta availability of Node.js 10 on App Engine standard environment, and making Node.js 10 the default version on the flexible environment.

Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

Bringing enterprise network security controls to your Kubernetes clusters on GKE - General availability of a few important networking features for Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) that provide additional security and privacy for your container infrastructure.

Apache Beam

Apache Beam 2.8.0 - New release of Apache Beam

Articles, Tutorials

Kubernetes Official Blog

Exploring container security: running and connecting to HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes - Running and connecting to HashiCorp Vault on Kubernetes.

Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog

Cutting costs with Google Kubernetes Engine: using the cluster autoscaler and Preemptible VMs - Solution architect Myroslav Rys shares how helps GCP client cut costs with Google Kubernetes Engine using the cluster autoscaler and Preemptible VMs.

Google Kubernetes Engine

How to use Google Managed SSL Certificates on GKE - Using Google Managed SSL Certificates on GKE.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Running Distributed Jenkins’ Build Executors on GKE - Running Jenkins master and build agents on different servers.


Istio Routing Basics - Build an Istio enabled ‘HelloWorld’ app.

Cloud Spanner

Cloud Spanner Connector for Apache Spark - Cloud Spanner Connector for Apache Spark is a library to support Apache Spark to access Cloud Spanner as an external data source or sink.

Cloud Firestore Stackdriver

OpenCensus and Firestore Native - OpenCensus and Firestore Native two-ways: exporting to Stackdriver and to Prometheus.

Cloud Build Official Blog

Integrating Google Cloud Build with JFrog Artifactory - How to integrate Google Cloud Build with JFrog Artifactory.

App Engine CI

Automatically deploy to Google App Engine with Gitlab CI - Article describes steps for pushing deployments of code to staging and production from Gitlab to App Engine.

Cloud Functions NodeJS Official Blog

Serverless from the ground up: Connecting Cloud Functions with a database (Part 3) - Connecting Cloud Functions with a database.


Integrating Firebase Cloud Functions with Google Calendar API - How to integrate Firebase Cloud Functions with Google Calendar API.

Cloud Functions

Performance Testing Serverless GCP Cloud Functions - Performance Testing for Serverless GCP Cloud Functions.

App Engine

Asynchronous processing on Google App Engine Python - Using App Engine’s task queue API for background processing.

App Engine

Airflow to Google App Engine and Back Again - Using Airflow with Google App Engine.

Cloud Storage PHP

Google Cloud Storage Signed URLs — The Easy Way - Sample code in PHP to created signed URLs for Google Cloud Storage.

Apache Beam

Creating a Data Pipeline with Apache Beam - How to create a Data Pipeline with Apache Beam.


Optimizing TensorFlow Models for Serving - Optimize TensorFlow models for serving predictions, to help you reduce the cost and increase the performance of your ML solution.

BigQuery Official Blog

Modern data warehousing with BigQuery: a Q&A with Engineering Director Jordan Tigani - Engineering Director Jordan Tigani to talk about the evolution of data warehousing, the current technology landscape, and how BigQuery fits in.

Cloud Spanner GCP Experience Official Blog

How Streak built a graph database on Cloud Spanner to wrangle billions of emails - Streak is a customer relationship management (CRM) tool built directly into Gmail. Learn how Streak built a graph database on Cloud Spanner to wrangle billions of emails.

Cloud ML GCP Experience Machine Learning Official Blog TensorFlow

How 20th Century Fox uses ML to predict a movie audience - Google’s Advanced Solutions Lab created Merlin Video, a computer vision tool that learns dense representations of movie trailers to help predict a specific trailer’s future moviegoing audience.

Business Machine Learning

Google says 'exponential' growth of AI is changing nature of compute - Google software engineer Cliff Young explains how the explosion in deep learning algorithms is coinciding with a breakdown in Moore's Law.

Slides, Videos, Audio

Google Cloud Platform

GCP Podcast - #153 Bazel with Tony Aiuto.


Kubernetes Podcast - #27 Evolution of the Kubernetes Community, with Sarah Novotny.

Machine Learning TPU

Training Image & Text Classification Models Faster with TPUs on Cloud ML Engine


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]