Welcome to issue #100 August 27th, 2018

This is small step for mankind, but giant leap for one newsletter. It reached 100th published issue!!! In this issue, find out if AutoML can lower barrier for machine learning use. Also how to use and connect different CI / CD tools on GCP.



App Engine Official Blog

Introducing PHP 7.2 runtime on the App Engine standard environment - Availability of PHP 7.2 on the App Engine standard environment, GCP's latest Second Generation runtime.

Official Blog Security

Introducing Cloud HSM beta for hardware crypto key security - Availability of the beta release of Cloud HSM, a managed cloud-hosted hardware security module (HSM) service.

Google Kubernetes Engine Official Blog Security

Deploy only what you trust: introducing Binary Authorization for Google Kubernetes Engine - Introduction of Binary Authorization in beta so you can be more confident that only trusted workloads are deployed to Google Kubernetes Engine.

Apache Beam

Beam Summit Europe 2018 - The Apache Beam project is organising the first European Beam Summit which will take place in London on October 1st and 2nd of 2018.

Articles, Tutorials

Cloud AutoML Official Blog

Who is this street artist? Building a graffiti artist classifier using AutoML - Building a graffiti artist classifier using AutoML.

Cloud AutoML

Building a ML keynote demo for 100,000+ people - An overview of the AutoML products launched and the demos during the Cloud Next ’18 keynote.

Cloud AutoML

A performance benchmark of Google AutoML Vision using Fashion-MNIST - Using Google AutoML Vision to build an image classification model on the Zalando Fashion-MNIST dataset.

Cloud Dataflow Official Blog

Distributed optimization with Cloud Dataflow - Example of using SciPy with Apache Beam Python SDK.


Building Datawarehouse on Google Cloud Bigquery - Building Datawarehouse on Google Cloud Bigquery.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Install Secure Helm In Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) - Helm installation on GKE and add Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) announcements from Cloud Next 2018 - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) announcements from Cloud Next 2018.


JupyterHub In Kubernetes Cluster In 10 minutes - Setting up and runing jupyterhub in kubernetes cluster.


Aggregating Application Logs from Kubernetes Clusters using Fluentd to Log Intelligence - Aggregating Application Logs from Kubernetes Clusters.


CoreDNS - Learn about CoreDNS which is an alternative to kube-dns.

Cloud Build

Cloud Build is not just for Containers - Cloud Build can be used to compile Java without publishing the result as a container image.

Cloud Build

Lessons Learned: Switching from CircleCI to Google Cloud Build - Lessons Learned during switch from CircleCI to Google Cloud Build.

Cloud Build

ProtoBuf Compilation with Google Cloud Build - Automatically compile, and publish protocol buffers to GitHub.

Cloud Source Repositories

Cloud Source Repositories + GitLab - Using Cloud Source Repositories along with GitLab.

Container Registry Google Kubernetes Engine

Docker Registry login with Google Cloud service accounts - How to push Docker images to Google Container Registry.

Docker Python

Running a python script using Docker, Pycharm & Google Cloud Platform - Setup local environment using Pycharm which integrates well with Docker.

Google Kubernetes Engine

Producer/Consumer Queue with Autoscaling on Google Kubernetes Engine - How to implement a long-running fleet of workers to process tasks from a work queue on Google Kubernetes Engine.

Cloud Datastore

Datastore & Lexicographical contention - Understand Datastore & Lexicographical contention.

Cloud Datastore

How we made Django migrations work on Google’s schemaless Datastore - Making Django migrations work on Google’s schemaless Datastore.

Cloud Identity Security

Using your existing identity management system with Google Cloud Platform - Best ways to provision or sync users when using your existing identity management system with GCP.

Slides, Videos, Audio

App Engine

GCP Podcast - #143 What's new in App Engine with Steren Giannini and Stewart Reichling.


Kubernetes Podcast - #17 Shopify and Security, with Jon Pulsifer.

Cloud ML GPU

Training Keras with GPUs & Serving Predictions with Cloud ML Engine

Cloud Deployment Manager

Exploring Google Cloud Deployment Manager

Machine Learning

End to End machine learning with Google Cloud


Building Engaging Apps with Firebase

Cloud Functions

Using Google Cloud Functions for Analytics Workloads

Cloud Natural Language API TensorFlow

Developing a Sentiment Analyser with TensorFlow and Google Cloud NLP


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Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]