Welcome to issue #1, October 3rd, 2016

Official news

Big change!!! Google Cloud Platform lost Platform in it’s name. It’s just Google Cloud. Will this bring more clarity or confusion in naming? Introducing Google Cloud

Lots of new regions on it's way, updates to BigQuery and many more in Google Cloud Platform sets a course for new horizons

Overview and great explanation of Google Cloud Networking products Using Google’s cloud networking products: a guide to all the guides

Specific VM Image based on Chromium OS with containers usage and security in design Introducing Google Container-VM Image

GCP is supported in Particle (IoT platform and hardware) IoT is now easier with Particle and Google Cloud Platform


Australia Election site is hosted on Google Cloud (Go & App Engine as backed and Dart as frontend). In the article is link for code repository A sizzling open source release for the Australian Election site

Kinsta's Top 5 Advantages of Choosing Google Cloud Hosting

Calibrating Temperature Forecasts with Machine Learning, Google BigQuery, and Reforecasts — Part 1

Why Kubernetes (k8s) on Google Container Engine (GKE)?

Dynamic work rebalancing in Apache Beam


Machine Learning with Google APIs

Introduction to Google Cloud Platform

Cassandra on Google Cloud Platform

Firebase 2 0 Supercharging Firebase with Google Cloud Platform

Webinar: Serverless data warehousing: scaling to a petabyte

Problems, Questions

How to delete a column of a single row in Google Cloud Bigtable with HBase API

How to choose the latest partition in BigQuery table?

Why doesn't CAST( AS ) sometimes work on BigQuery?

Trouble connecting to Google Cloud SQL server from deployed app

Latest Issues


Zdenko Hrček
Třebanická 183
Prague, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 777 283 075
Email: [email protected]