Tag: Ruby

reCAPTCHA Ruby Jan. 20, 2025

Adding Google reCAPTCHA to Ruby on Rails - This article explains how to set reCAPTHA in RoR web app.

Cloud Spanner Official Blog Ruby Dec. 13, 2021

Scale your Ruby applications with Active Record support for Cloud Spanner - Enabling Ruby applications to use Google Cloud Spanner as a database provider via Object-Relational Mapping.

Cloud Functions Official Blog Ruby Serverless Jan. 18, 2021

Introducing Ruby on Google Cloud Functions - With Cloud Functions support for Rub Functions Framework, you can write idiomatic Ruby functions and deploy them in a fully managed Ruby environment.

BigQuery Kubernetes Ruby Nov. 22, 2020

Getting Kubernetes logs into BigQuery cost-effectively - How to navigate those JSON logs safely to BigQuery harbour.

BigQuery Cloud Storage Ruby July 1, 2019

Exporting data from BigQuery to Google Drive and Cloud Storage using Ruby - Ruby scripts to move data between various storages on GCP.

Cloud Run Ruby May 27, 2019

Google Cloud Run on Rails: a real life example (Part 1: preparing the ground) - 4 part series about deploying a real-life Rails application in production with Google Cloud Run.

Google Kubernetes Engine Ruby April 29, 2019

Move Ruby on Rails apps to GKE to discover the treasures of cloud - Migrating Ruby on Rails apps from Heroku to GKE.

Cloud Vision API Ruby Dec. 31, 2018

Building a Chat Bot With Image Recognition and OCR - Build Image Recognition and OCR capability for Chat Bot.

GCP Experience Google Kubernetes Engine Ruby May 14, 2018

Deploying Rails onto Kubernetes with GKE - How to get the application running perfectly using Kubernetes on Google Kubernetes Engine GKE.

Cloud Storage Ruby April 23, 2018

Google Cloud Storage and CORS - Dealing with CORs issue associated with Google Storage uploads.

Ruby Stackdriver Oct. 23, 2017

Now, you can monitor, debug and log your Ruby apps with Stackdriver - Now you can use Stackdriver in your Ruby projects not only on GCP but also on AWS and in your own data center.

Google Kubernetes Engine Ruby Sept. 25, 2017

Improving Rails application page load times on Google Container Engine using CloudCDN - Connecting CDN to application running on Google Container Engine

Ruby Sept. 4, 2017

Getting Started w/ Ruby on GCP

App Engine Ruby Sept. 4, 2017

Deploying Battleship to GAE - Deploying Sinatra Ruby server on Google App Engine Flexible

Ruby Aug. 28, 2017

Rolling your own private Ruby gem server on Google Cloud Platform - With google-cloud-gemserver gem, making it possible to deploy a private Ruby gem server to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) with a single command:

Google Kubernetes Engine Kubernetes Ruby Aug. 14, 2017

Blue/Green Rails app deployments in Google Container Engine - Achieving zero downtime of web application with Blue & Green deployments on with Kubernetes on Google Container Engine

Google Kubernetes Engine Ruby July 24, 2017

Deploying a Rails application to Google Container Engine with Kubernetes - Description of first time experience with deployment Ruby on Rails app on Google Container Engine

Ruby May 29, 2017

RailsConf 2017: Google Cloud Love Ruby by Remi Taylor

Ruby Stackdriver May 15, 2017

Stackdriver Monitoring And Ruby - Tutorial about how to start using Ruby's client library for Stackdriver

Ruby April 17, 2017

The state of Ruby on Google Cloud Platform - Support for Ruby on Google Cloud Platform doesn't stay behind


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