Tag: Cloud Resource Manager

Cloud Resource Manager Python May 22, 2023

Exploring Google Cloud Resource Manager with Python — V1.0 - Listing projects under google cloud organisation hierarchy using Python.

Cloud Resource Manager Official Blog May 8, 2023

When one becomes two: Resource hierarchy strategies for divested organization - Google Cloud resource hierarchy considerations to ensure a smooth separation and maintain business continuity when breaking apart a company.

Cloud Resource Manager Infrastructure June 27, 2022

Introducing Resource Tags in GCP - An overview of using Resource Manager tags.

AI Platform Cloud Resource Manager Data Science Jupyter Notebook Aug. 30, 2021

Managing Scripts on AI Platform with GCP Cloud Source Repository - A tutorial to share the steps to manage and share scripts via GCP Cloud Source Repository.

Billing Cloud Resource Manager IAM March 9, 2020

Google Cloud Tips and Tricks: Understanding the Resource Hierarchy - Overview of Resources Hierarchy with tips and tricks to use more efficiently.

Cloud Resource Manager Dec. 18, 2017

Use labels to gain visibility into GCP resource usage and spending - With labels, it's possible to group related resources together by adding metadata to resources in the form of key-value pairs. This feature helps enterprises better organize resources, and gain visibility into resource usage and spending.

Cloud Resource Manager Dec. 4, 2017

Folders: a powerful tool to manage cloud resources - Folders in Cloud Resource gives the flexibility to map resources to organizational structure and enable more granular access control and configuration for those resources.

Cloud Resource Manager IAM Python July 31, 2017

Importing GCP Projects into your Organization with Python - Importing Google Cloud Platform projects under Organization resource

Cloud Resource Manager IAM July 3, 2017

Enterprise identity made easy in Google Cloud Platform with Cloud Identity - The same identity management features used for years in G Suite will be made available for free to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) customers to manage their developers online with Cloud Identity.


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